Prayer of Caritas
Pray for all those who suffer! Prayer is a powerful tool that calms us and sends vibrations of Love and Peace to those we love and who need protection.
It is also a sincere dialogue between the creature and the Creator. The President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, José de Paiva Netto, teaches:
“It is essential to watch and pray, especially at times of crisis, no matter the place or instant. Pain does not wait for an opportunity to knock on the door of our heart. And prayer is not only useful in the dramatic events of life, but essential when we are seeking solutions for challenges of a philosophical, political, economic, scientific, religious, artistic, sporting, public, or domestic nature, etc.”
Take a moment and dedicate the Prayer of Caritas to someone. In the following video you can hear this prayer in the voice of the late proclaimer of the Religion of the Third Millennium, Alziro Zarur (1914-1979). This is a beautiful interpretation in Portuguese with subtitles in English.
Prayer of Caritas
This prayer was psychographed on Christmas Night, December 25, 1873, by Madame W. Krell in Bordeaux (France), dictated by the Spirit called Charitas and published in Rayonnements de la Vie Spirituelle:
God, Our Father, who is all Power and Goodness, give strength to those who go through tribulations; give light to those who seek the Truth, and fill the human heart with compassion and Charity.
God! Give the guiding star to the traveler, consolation to the afflicted, and rest to the sick.
Father! Give repentance to the guilty.
Give truth to the Spirit, guidance to the child, a father to the orphan.
May Your Goodness extend over everything that You have created.
Mercy, Lord, to those who do not know You and hope to those who suffer.
May Your Goodness allow the consoling spirits to spread Peace, Hope, and Faith everywhere!
Oh! God! A ray, a spark of Your Love can illuminate the earth. Let us drink from the fountains of this abundant and infinite Goodness.
All tears will be dried and all pain will be lessened.
A single heart, a single thought will rise to You, as a cry of gratitude and Love. Like Moses on the mountain, we wait for You with open arms, Oh! Goodness, oh! Beauty, oh! Perfection!
We wish in some way to deserve Your mercy.
God! Give us strength, help our progress so we may rise up to You; give us pure charity and humbleness; give us faith and reason; give us the simplicity, Father, that will make our souls the mirror that will reflect Your Divine Image.