A Little Soldier of God Forever

Da Redação*
Thursday | November 22, 2018 | 12:20 PM
Arquivo Pessoal
Sâmara Malaman

When I was a kid, I moved to the U.S. with my family, but I didn’t know how to speak English.

So, when my sister, Mariana, and I had to go to an American school for the first time we were scared. But we learned in the LOVES classes in Brazil and then in the U.S. to pray and to speak with our Guardian Angel. So, every time before going to school we talked with Jesus through a prayer and with our Guardian Angels, and that made us feel protected and happy.

It was a pleasure to be a Little Soldier of God and now a Legionnaire of Good Will.

Arquivo Pessoal

In the photos above, Sâmara Malaman as a Little Soldier of God, in 1993. And then, in 2014, the young Legionnaire graduated with a master’s degree in Education from Kean University. Standing beside Sâmara is her sister, Mariana (right).

*Sâmara Malaman
Belleville, New Jersey

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