The Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit performs baptism ceremony of the new LGW's Little Soldiers of God
The Religion of the Third Millennium performs children’s spiritual baptism. On September 21st it was the celebration of the baptism of Levi Nobre, son of Henrique and Fabiana Nobre. On July 14th, was the day of the baptism of Laura Isabel, daughter of Alexandru and Mariana Tamasan.
The minister-preacher of the Divine Religion, Conceição Albuquerque, conducted their baptism celebration. Relatives and friends of both families attended the ceremony. The Participants received, as a gift, the JESUS IS ARRIVING! Magazine in which they had the opportunity to know more about the ecumenical activities of the Religion of Universal Love.
Jesus, the Divine Master, introduced Himself to the world as a child. It’s important to foster values of spiritual knowledge in the social and emotional development of the little ones and thus cooperating in the complete evolution of their lives. About the birth and the mission of Jesus being accomplished in His adolescence, brother Paiva highlighted in his article “Jesus, the Divine Liberator”:
“He shook the souls and summoned the diligence of those in power to Bethlehem. About Him once prophesized Simeon:
This Child is destined for the fall and rising of many, and for a sign that will be spoken against (Luke 2:34).
Since His childhood, Jesus manifested His lofty wisdom: At the age of twelve, He already preached to the masters of the law, revealing His Divine knowledge. He spoke to them with endued words of enlightenment and wisdom. He left all them astonished and in deep introspection, due to great sublimity of the lessons expressed in His replies:
I tell you the Truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has crossed over from death to Eternal Life (John 5:24)."