Prevention is also Spirituality

the Editorial Staff
Tuesday | March 09, 2021 | 4:15 PM

The importance of the vaccines to combat the new coronavirus brought expectations to the control of another pandemic that affected the habits of our society.

Lessons about prevention and health care will be, with no doubt, a legacy of this time of confrontations. Keep healthy became not only a rule for quality of life but a physiological need to have a high immunity so that the organic defense can avoid various diseases set in our body, especially those that are of easy contamination.

Add to this, the Faith in God, on the Christ, and on the Holy Spirit, as well as beliefs on sacred references of all religious and spiritual groups gained greater projection and experience. Many Brothers and Sisters leaned on Faith to deal with the pandemic challenges and comfort themselves facing the return of friends and relatives to the Spiritual World. They also seek through prayer the strength to overcome the disease and help loved ones that were fighting this battle too.

The Family Churches of the Divine Religion propagate all over the world through the Ecumenical Meetings of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home and fraternal activities online elevated values of Solidarity, discernment, comfort, and strengthening of the Soul, always experiencing the Ecumenical Fraternity in an ambiance of union for the common Good.

Even if the pandemic does not affect the world anymore, preventive spiritual and material measures will remain with us. Health care followed by moments of sincere prayer and family communion always bring day by day an important protective aura to our body and Soul.

Teaches Brother Paiva: “When one prays, the Soul breathes, enrichening human existence. Saying a prayer is essential to uncloud the horizon of the heart.”

See below photos of Ecumenical Meetings of the New Commandment of Jesus at Home:

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